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  • #36060
    Christian Mantey
    Premium Member

    Dear all,
    right now there is no possiblity to change the appearance of the headlines H2 in case of a link.

    I want to have it’s color in #ca9b52 if there is a link on it. This does not work.
    I also saw that you don’t provide that possibility in the CSS of the main theme, not only the Child theme.

    So why do you block the possiblity to change H2 headlines in general?
    How to change their appearance to make visible there is a link placed people can click to get mor in formation.


    thx / C.

    P.S. Hope you get the question right, and, in any case, here is a site with an example

    Top of the page:H2 links always in grey…

    Bottom of the page: H3 Links and other links: #ca9b52

    …über mich

    Question again: How to change the color of a H2 link. I’m only interested in H2.

    WP Royal Team

    Hi Christian,


    I checked you the page you shared and your link h2 has the same colour as you requested #ca9b52

    To change the link colors please navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Colors > Content > Accent


    Kind Regards

    Christian Mantey
    Premium Member

    Hi Vako, thanks for checking out.

    This is so, because we changed the Theme to Ashe Pro.

    Problem still exists when you use Kayn: H2 cannot be changed by any CSS.

    WP Royal Team

    Hi Christian,


    If you can create CSS snippets just add !important after attribute, it should work.


    Kind Regards

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